NEO Data Sets
Most of the general asteroid data sets in the archive include data on NEOs as well as main belt asteroids. The following data sets are specifically related to NEO data, or, in the case of the radar data sets and binary minor planets summary, contain a high proportion of NEO data.
- Arecibo Radar Doppler Spectra of Asteroids
- Asteroid Radar Detections
- Asteroids which Closely Approach Earth's Orbit
- Belskaya Asteroid Polarimetry (including one potentially hazardous NEA)
- Binary Minor Planets Summary
- Catalina Sky Survey (CSS)
- Close Approaches between Earth and Asteroids
- Delbo Thermal Infrared Asteroid Diameters and Albedos
- Gaskell Eros Shape Model
- Gaskell Itokawa Shape Model
- MITHNEOS IRTF Spectra of Asteroids from 2000 to 2021
- Near Earth Asteroid Rendezous (NEAR) Archive Page
- Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) Survey
- NEO Lightcurves
- NEO Surveys
- Radar Observations of 1620 Geographos
- Radar Shape Models
- Radar Shape Model of Asteroid (101955) Bennu
- Reddy IRTF Near Earth Asteroid Spectra
- Reddy IRTF Near Earth and Mars-Crossing Asteroid Spectra
- Roberts Eros Ponds Catalog
- Spacewatch 0.9m Mosaic Camera Survey
- Whiteley NEO Photometry