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Dawn Framing Camera Ceres Image Mosaics

Status: Archived

Description: Browse: Download: Smaller Download:
Ceres HAMO Clear Filter Mosaics DWNCHCFC2_2 (1.6 Gb) (1.3 Gb)
Ceres HAMO Color Mosaics DWNCHFFC2_2 (28 Gb) (22 Gb) Only DATA files
Ceres LAMO Clear Filter Mosaics (version 2) DWNCLCFC2_2 (23 Gb) (17.3 Gb) Only DATA files

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

"Roatsch,T., E. Kersten,K.-D. Matz,F. Preusker, F. Scholten, S. Elgner, S.E. Schroeder, R. Jaumann, C.A. Raymond, C.T. Russell, DAWN FC2 DERIVED CERES MOSAICS V1.0, DAWN-A-FC2-5-CERESMOSAIC-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2016."

Note: The Ceres LAMO Clear Filter Mosaics volume has been updated to version 2 with the addition of 62 atlas sheets to the document directory. Some catalog files have also been updated. The volume is otherwise unchanged.

Note: Color LAMO mosaics were not produced, as there was insufficient color data from LAMO phase.

Superseded Versions: Show

The Ceres LAMO clear filter mosaics have been updated with the addition of 62 atlas sheets to the document directory. The updated version 2 is linked above. Below is the original version 1.

Data set id: Browse: Download: Smaller Download:
Ceres LAMO Clear Filter Mosaics (version 1) DWNCLCFC2_2 (21 Gb) (15 Gb) Only DATA files

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