NEAR Data Problems
This page describes known and discovered problems with the NEAR data sets as of May 2012.
MSI - Multi-Spectral Imager Data
Level 1B
No known problems.
Level 2
Labels in the calib directory for NEAR-A-MSI-3-EDR-EROS/ORBIT-V1.0 are missing TARGET_NAME = "CALIBRATION".
The index directory for NEAR-A-MSI-3-EDR-EROS/ORBIT-V1.0 includes an illegal file,
Level 3
No known problems.
NLR - Laser Rangefinder Data
Level 1B
No known problems.
Levels 2 and 3
No known problems.
NOTE: The propagation of covariance to incertainties is a complex task which had not yet been performed as of the date these data were archived. When and if the formal uncertainties are calculated and submitted to the PDS, they will be incorporated into the archive.
NIS - Near-Infrared Spectrometer Data
Level 1B
No known problems.
Levels 2 and 3
No known problems.
NOTE: Labels contain non-SI values in some of the UNIT fields (for example, "MILLIAMPERE", "DEGREE CELSIUS").
NOTE: Duration times are misleading. Duration includes data spectra, instrument rest, and dark spectra (if darks were interleaved). PDS-SBN calculated the exposure time for data spectra only and added it to new Level 2 data products on the NXCOLL_3001 CD: /NNEROS_2003, the revised NIXEL database, /NNEROS_2004, the NIXEL data split by UTC, and /NNEROS_2005, the NIXEL data split by mission subphase.
MAG - Magnetometer Data
Level 1B
No known problems in the data files.
Level 2
Data set catalog file "" on each of the mission phase volumes on /NMCOLL_3001/ contain a typo in a REFERENCE_KEY_ID value: "ANDERSONETAL2001" is erroneously spelled "ANDERS0NETAL2001" (i.e., with a zero rather than an 'O' in the author's name).
XRS/GRS - X-Ray/Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Data
Levels 1B, 2, and 3
No known problems in the data files.
Radio Science Data
Levels 1B through 5
No known problems in the data files.
The NEAR SPICE archive was originally structured inconveniently as nine data sets divided by mission phase. For ease of use, these nine data sets were combined into a single data set by Boris Semenov of NAIF, and the combined NEAR SPICE data set was reviewed internally by SBN. The combined data set was released by NAIF in February 2013 and linked on the SBN NEAR archive site.
The original nine data sets, which are now superseded by the combined data set, are accessible here.
Inconsistent creation of index/ and .lbl files across the data sets.
Some data sets have these files while others do not.