Asteroid Data Sets
Image Data
- Balloon Observation Platform for Planetary Science (BOPPS) 2014 Observations
- Catalina Sky Survey (CSS)
- Dawn Framing Camera Mars and Cruise raw and calibrated images
- Dawn Framing Camera Vesta raw and calibrated images
- Dawn Framing Camera Ceres raw and calibrated images
- Dawn Framing Camera image calibration files
- Eros MSI Images with Geometry Backplanes
- Fink Images and Spectra of Solar System Objects
- Galileo SSI Gaspra Radiometrically Calibrated Images
- Galileo SSI Ida Radiometrically Calibrated Images
- Galileo NIMS Gaspra Spectral Image Cube
- Hayabusa AMICA
- Hayabusa AMICA with Geometry Backplanes
- Hayabusa2 MASCOT Camera (MASCAM)
- Hayabusa2 Thermal Infrared Imager (TIR)
- Hayabusa2 Optical Navigation Cameras (ONC)
- HST Images, Albedo Maps, and Shape of 1 Ceres
- The Ida/Gaspra Collection, including Galileo SSI images of Ida and Gaspra
- MSX Small Bodies Images
- NEAR MSI images of Mathilde and Eros
- Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) Survey
- OSIRIS-REx Mt. Bigelow Ground Based Bennu Observations
- P445.3 (Pluto) Occultation
- Spacewatch 0.9m Mosaic Camera Survey
- Stardust NAVCAM Annefrank Images
- Visual Imaging and Photometry of (29981) 1999 TD10
Maps and Mosaics
- Ceres Urvara Dawn FC C2E mosaics
- Dawn Global Image Mosaics of Vesta
- Dawn Global Image Mosaics of Ceres
- Dawn GRaND Abundance Maps of Vesta
- Dawn GRaND Abundance Maps of Ceres
- Dawn VIR Spectral Maps of Vesta
- Dawn VIR Spectral Maps of Ceres
- NEAR MSI Eros Image Maps
- New Horizons Arrokoth Encounter Geology and Geophysical Maps and Shape Models
- New Horizons Arrokoth Encounter Surface Composition Maps
- Stooke Small Bodies Maps - maps and mosaics of asteroids and small solar system bodies, by Philip Stooke
Nuclear or X-ray/Gamma-Ray/Neutron
- Complete PDS4 GRaND Archive - Same data as the PDS3 version, with enhanced meta data and documentation
- Dawn GRaND Mars and Cruise raw and calibrated (PDS3)
- Dawn GRaND Vesta raw and calibrated (PDS3)
- Dawn GRaND Ceres raw and calibrated (PDS3)
- Dawn GRaND Abundance Maps of Vesta (PDS3)
- Dawn GRaND Abundance Maps of Ceres (PDS3)
- NEAR Gamma-ray Spectrometer
- NEAR X-ray Spectrometer
Orbital Data
- High-i Asteroid Families
- Iannini Asteroid Family Spectra
- MRC (Mothe-Diniz, Roig, and Carvano) Asteroid Families
- Nesvorny HCM Asteroid Families
- Sub-Kilometer Asteroid Diameter Survey (SKADS)
- Zappala Asteroid Families
- Asteroids Which Closely Approach Earth's Orbit
- Close Approaches between Earth and Asteroids
Photometry and Lightcurves
- 2MASS Asteroid and Comet Survey
- Asteroid Lightcurve Data Base (LCDB)
- Asteroid Lightcurve Data Exchange Format (ALCDEF) Database
- Asteroid Photometric Catalog (APC)
- Asteroid UBV Colors
- Near-IR Photometry of Asteroids from DENIS
- NEO Lightcurves
- OSIRIS-REx Mt. Bigelow Ground Based Bennu Observations
- P445.3 (Pluto) Occultation
- Pluto-Charon Mutual Events
- Sloan Digital Sky Survey Moving Object Catalog
- Spectroscopy and Photometry of Jupiter Trojans
- Sub-Kilometer Asteroid Diameter Survey (SKADS)
- Submillimeter Lightcurves of Asteroids
- Survey of Comet Lightcurves - This data set also contains asteroids which have cometary properties, namely 2060 Chiron and 4015 Wilson-Harrington.
- Transneptunian Lightcurves
- Transneptunian and Centaur Colors
- Visual Imaging and Photometry of (29981) 1999 TD10
- Whiteley NEO Photometry
- Wisniewski Asteroid Magnitudes
Physical Properties
- Absolute Magnitudes and Slopes
- Albedos
- Albedos from Stellar Occultations
- Binary Minor Planets Summary
- Binary NEOs Summary
- Bus-DeMeo Taxonomy
- Delbo Thermal Infrared Asteroid Diameters and Albedos
- Densities
- IRAS Minor Planet Survey (IMPS) Diameters and Albedos
- KBO and Centaur Absolute Magnitudes
- Kharkiv Asteroid Magnitude-Phase Relations
- Masses
- MSX Infrared Minor Planet Survey (MIMPS) Diameters and Albedos
- NEOWISE Diameters and Albedos
- Occultation Timings and Diameters
- Roberts Eros Ponds Catalog
- SDSS-based Asteroid Taxonomy
- Spin Vectors
- Taxonomic Classifications
- Taxonomy, colors, and slope parameters for asteroids from the Dark Energy Survey
- TNO and Centaur Diameters, Albedos, and Densities
- TRIAD Radiometric Diameters and Albedos
- Asteroid Polarimetric Database (APD)
- Belskaya Asteroid Polarimetry
- TNO and Centaur Polarimetry
- Torino Asteroid Polarimetry
- Torino Polarimetry of 25143 Itokawa
- TRIAD Asteroid Polarimetry (superseded by Asteroid Polarimetric Database)
- Arecibo Radar Doppler Spectra of Asteroids
- Asteroid Radar Detections
- Goldstone Radar Observations of 1620 Geographos
- Radar Shape Models (Hudson) - contains asteroid shape models
- Radar Shape Models of 11 asteroids (Lawrence) - contains asteroid shape models
- Radar Shape Model of Asteroid 8567 (Nolan)
- Radar Shape Model of Asteroid 153591 (Nolan)
- Radar Shape Model of Asteroid (101955) Bennu (Nolan et al.)
Radio Science
- Dawn Ceres Raw Gravity (Radio Science)
- Dawn Ceres Gravity Models
- Dawn Vesta Raw Gravity (Radio Science)
- Dawn Vesta Gravity Models
- NEAR Radio Science Subsystem Data
- OSIRIS-REx Raw Radio Science Data
Shape and Gravity Models
Thumbnail images and .obj versions of the archived shape models are available here.
- Asteroid (101955) Bennu Shape Model - derived from radar observations and lightcurves
- Dawn Vesta Digital Terrain Model
- Dawn Ceres SPC Shape Model
- Dawn Ceres HAMO Digital Terrain Model
- Dawn Ceres LAMO Regional Digital Terrain Model (Occator)
- Dawn Vesta Gravity Models
- Dawn Ceres Gravity Models
- Gaskell Dione Shape Model
- Gaskell Eros Shape Model - derived from NEAR data
- Gaskell Itokawa Shape Model - derived from Hayabusa data
- Gaskell Mimas Shape Model
- Gaskell Phobos Shape Model
- Gaskell Phoebe Shape Model
- Gaskell Tethys Shape Model
- HST Images, Albedo Maps, and Shape of 1 Ceres
- NEAR Collected Shape and Gravity Models - contains shape and gravity models of NEAR targets Mathilde and Eros
- NEAR Laser Rangefinder Shape and Gravity Models
- New Horizons Arrokoth Encounter Geology and Geophysical Maps and Shape Models
- Optical Shape Models (Thomas) - contains shape models of asteroids and small planetary satellites
- Radar Shape Models (Hudson) - contains asteroid shape models
- Radar Shape Models of 11 asteroids (Lawrence) - contains asteroid shape models
- Radar Shape Model of Asteroid 8567 (Nolan)
- Radar Shape Model of Asteroid 153591 (Nolan)
- Radar Shape Model of Asteroid (101955) Bennu (Nolan et al.)
- Rosetta Shape Model of Asteroid Lutetia
- Rosetta Shape Model of Asteroid Steins
- Saturn Satellite Shape Models
- Stooke Shape Models - contains shape models of asteroids, planetary satellites, and comet Halley
SPICE Kernels
- 24-Color Asteroid Spectrophotometry
- 52-Color Asteroid Spectrophotometry
- Eight-Color Asteroid Survey (ECAS)
- Lebofsky et al. 3-micron Asteroid Spectrophotometry
- Rivkin 3-micron Asteroid Spectrophotometry
- Seven-Color Asteroid Spectrophotometry (SCAS)
- Dawn VIR Vesta raw and calibrated spectral data
- Dawn VIR Ceres raw and calibrated spectral data
- Dawn VIR Cruise raw and calibrated spectral data
- Fieber-Beyer IRTF Asteroid Spectra
- Fink Images and Spectra of Solar System Objects
- Fornasier Spectra of M Asteroids
- Galileo NIMS Gaspra Spectral Image Cube
- Galileo NIMS Ida Spectral Image Cube
- Galileo NIMS Radiance Point Spectra of Gaspra
- Galileo NIMS Radiance Point Spectra of Ida and Dactyl
- Gartrelle et al. IRTF Asteroid Spectra
- Hardersen IRTF NIR Asteroid Spectra
- Hayabusa NIRS Raw Spectra of Itokawa
- Hayabusa NIRS Calibrated Spectra of Itokawa
- Hayabusa2 NIRS3 Spectra of Ryugu
- Hendrix IUE asteroid reflectance spectra
- HST UV Slitless Reflectance Spectra of (1) Ceres
- Iannini Asteroid Family Spectra
- IRTF Near-IR Spectroscopy of Asteroids
- Larson FTS Spectra
- MITHNEOS IRTF Spectra of Asteroids from 2000 to 2021
- NEAR Eros Near-Infrared Spectrometer (NIS)
- PRIMASS-L Spectra
- Reddy IRTF Near Earth Asteroid Spectra
- Reddy IRTF Near Earth and Mars-Crossing Asteroid Spectra
- Reddy IRTF Main Belt Asteroid Spectra
- Reddy Vesta Rotationally-Resolved Near-IR Spectra
- Sawyer Asteroid Spectra
- Small Solar System Objects Spectroscopic Survey
- Small Mainbelt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey (SMASS)
- Small Mainbelt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey II (SMASSII)
- Spectra of V-Type Candidates from the SDSS MOC
- Spectroscopy and Photometry of Jupiter Trojans
- Vilas Asteroid Spectra
- The Repository for UV Spectral Data of Small Bodies