Data Sets Containing Planetary Satellite Data
- Fink Images and Spectra of Solar System Objects
- Gaskell Mimas Shape Model - derived from Cassini and Voyager 1 data
- Gaskell Phobos Shape Model - derived from Viking and Phobos 2 data
- Gaskell Phoebe Shape Model - derived from Cassini data
- NEOWISE Diameters and Albedos - contains Jovian and Saturnian satellites
- New Horizons (J1-J4, J6, J7, N1, P1-P5)
- Phoebe SPC Shape Model and Assessment Products - derived from Cassini data
- Planetary Satellite Colors
- 40 different satellites
- Polarimetry of Planetary Satellites
- Rivkin 3-micron Spectrophotometry
- M1 Phobos
- M2 Deimos
- Stooke Shape Models
- J5 Amalthea
- S10 Janus
- S11 Epimetheus
- S16 Prometheus
- S17 Pandora
- N7 Larissa
- N8 Proteus
- Stooke Small Bodies Maps
- M1 Phobos
- M2 Deimos
- J5 Amalthea
- S7 Hyperion
- S11 Epimetheus
- Saturn Small Moon Shape Models
- S7 Hyperion
- S10 Janus
- S11 Epimetheus
- S12 Helene
- S13 Telesto
- S14 Calypso
- S15 Atlas
- S16 Prometheus
- S17 Pandora
- S18 Pan
- S35 Daphnis
For more PDS data on planetary satellites, see the NASA Planetary Data System data access site.