Galileo NIMS Radiance Point Spectra of Gaspra

This data volume contains radiometrically corrected point spectra of asteroid 951 as acquired by the Galileo spacecraft Near Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (NIMS) on October 29, 1991. They record the spectra collected as the Galileo spacecraft approached the target asteroid. These data are products of the calibration of the raw data number files with calibration factors acquired during the first Earth/Moon encounter of the Galileo mission. These raw data .qub files are archived in the Imaging Node of the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS). The calibrated spectra consist of radiance measurements for wavelengths between 0.7 - 5.2 micrometers.

Data Set Info
GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0 Browse Download (725 kb)

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

"Granahan, J.C., NIMS Radiance Point Spectra of Gaspra V1.0. GO-A-NIMS-3-GASPRASPEC-V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2014."

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