Hayabusa2 Data Archive

Main target body: Asteroid (162173) Ryugu
Launch date: 3 December 2014
Earth flyby date: 3 December 2015
Arrival at Ryugu: 27 June 2018
Departure from Ryugu: 12 November 2019
Return to Earth: 6 December 2020

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Hayabusa2 mission information:

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Mission Hayabusa2 Mission Bundle This bundle contains information and documentation relevant to the mission as a whole.

Hayabusa2 orbiter data:

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Images ONC The Optical Navigation Cameras (ONC) is a suite of visible light cameras including telephoto (ONC-T) and wide angle panchromatic (ONC-W1 and ONC-W2) cameras.
TIR The Thermal Infrared Imager (TIR) is a thermal infrared camera operating at 8-12 microns, using a two-dimensional microbolometer array.
Spectra NIRS3 The Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIRS3) is a spectrograph with a wavelength range of 1.8 - 3.2 microns.
Nuclear N/A No nuclear instrument on Hayabusa2
Dust N/A No dust detector on Hayabusa2
Altimetry LIDAR The Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) instrument operated at altitudes from 30m to 25km, providing measurements of the spacecraft range to the surface.
Radio Science Radio Science - not yet available The Hayabusa2 radio science observations provide the information necessary to make estimates of the gravity field, mass, and other physical characteristics of Ryugu.
SPICE Hayabusa2 SPICE Archive - coming soon Will be archived at NAIF

Hayabusa2 landers, impactor, and sampling:

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MASCOT lander MASCAM (Camera) MASCAM is a wide-angle camera that takes pictures during the descent to the asteroid surface and on the surface. It has LED illumination devices in 4 colors: red, green, blue, and near-infrared. These LEDs were used in nighttime to acquire reflectance images in different wavelengths.
MARA (Radiometer) MARA is a multispectral radiometer which measures net radiative flux in six wavelength bands.
MASMAG (Magnetometer) The MASCOT magnetometer instrument is a vector-compensated three-axis fluxgate magnetometer.
MASCOT Engineering Bus Not yet available.
Minerva landers Not yet available The Minerva-II-1 Rover 1A (Hibou) operated on the surface for 36 days and Rover 1B (Owl) operated for 3 days. Both rovers had cameras and thermometers. The third Minerva rover, Ulula, did not obtain data.
DCAM3 Not yet available The Deployable Camera (DCAM3) was deployed to observe the impact of the Small Carry-On Impactor.
CAM-H Not yet available CAM-H is a small monitor camera mounted on the lower edge of the spacecraft that was able to take images of the sampler horn and surface during touchdown.

Release information:

To sign up for email notification of releases, register for the PDS Subscription Service and select the desired mission and instruments.

For questions about the data sets or this web site, contact Carol Neese (neese@psi.edu).