Hayabusa2 LIDAR Bundle

This bundle collects all the operational data products produced by the Hayabusa2 LIDAR instrument. The LIDAR has two primary functions for the Hayabusa2 mission, first as a navigation sensor to aid in asteroid rendezvous, approach, and touchdown procedures; and second as a scientific instrument to study the topography, gravity and surface reflectivity (albedo) of asteroid (162173) Ryugu.

Status: Archived
Release date: Oct. 12, 2022

urn:jaxa:darts:hyb2_lidar::1.0 (2 GB) Browse Download (414 MB)

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

Namiki, Noriyuki; Noda, Hirotomo; Senshu, Hiroki; Matsumoto, Koji; Mizuno, Takahide; Ishihara, Yoshiaki; Yamamoto, Keiko; Shizugami, Makoto; Yamada, Ryuhei; Araki, Hiroshi; Murakami, Shin-ya; Hayabusa2 LIDAR Bundle V1.0, urn:jaxa:darts:hyb2_lidar::1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2022; 10.17597/isas.darts/hyb2-00500.