HST UV Slitless Reflectance Spectra of (1) Ceres

This archive package contains the reflectance spectra of Ceres from 121 nm to 198 nm based on the slitless spectrographic observations using HST/ACS SBC performed on 2007 November 25. Ceres was spatially resolved to about 21 pixels in diameter. The raw spectra were extracted from the raw 2D spectral image corresponding to all pixels within the disk of Ceres, calibrated to intensity unit and then to reflectance unit. The final reflectance spectra of Ceres is the average of all spectra over the whole disk of Ceres. All intermediate data and the final average reflectance spectra are included in the data set.

Release Date: 2023-01-11

Data Set Info
urn:nasa:pds:hst.ast-ceres.uv-spectra::1.0 Browse Download (15 MB)

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

"Li, J.-Y. and Hendrix, A.R. 2023. HST UV Slitless Reflectance Spectra of (1) Ceres V1.0. urn:nasa:pds:urn:nasa:pds:hst.ast-ceres.uv-spectra::1.0. NASA Planetary Data System; https://doi.org/10.26033/hnn0-zg66."

Superseded Versions: None