Hendrix IUE asteroid reflectance spectra

This archive includes derived International Ultraviolet Observer (IUE) reflectance spectra for nearly all asteroid targets observed using IUE. We include derived reflectance spectra and, where appropriate, an average reflectance spectrum for each target. We include thumbnail plots of the reflectance spectra and the original IUE header files for each observation.

Release Date: 2023-02-14

Data Set Info
urn:nasa:pds:iue.ast.hendrix.spectra::2.0 Browse Download (8.9 MB)

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

"Hendrix, A.R. (2023). Hendrix IUE asteroid reflectance spectra V2.0. urn:nasa:pds:urn:nasa:pds:iue.ast.hendrix.spectra::2.0. NASA Planetary Data System; doi: 10.26033/xnwn-jh08"

Superseded Versions:Show

doi: 10.26033/5pcf-zz22.
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