KBO and Centaur Absolute Magnitudes
This data set contains absolute visual magnitudes of 90 Kuiper belt objects and Centaurs from Romanishin and Tegler (2005). The absolute magnitudes are derived from V magnitudes observed by Romanishin and Tegler and their collaborators. As a convenience, R-band absolute magnitudes derived from the V absolute magnitudes and published V-R colors are also provided.
Release Date: 2020-08-14Data Set Info
PDS4 version | urn:nasa:pds:gbo.kbo-centaur.magnitudes::1.0 | Browse | Download (20 KB) |
PDS3 version | EAR-A-VARGBDET-3-KBOMAGS-V1.0 | Browse | Download (20 KB) |
The PDS4 bundle was migrated from the PDS3 data set in August 2020. The data content is unchanged.
Use the following citation to reference this data set:
"Romanishin, W. and Tegler, S.C. (2020). KBO and
Centaur Absolute Magnitudes V1.0. urn:nasa:pds:gbo.kbo-centaur.magnitudes::1.0. NASA
Planetary Data System; https://doi.org/10.26033/dysm-hd52."