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KBO and Centaur Absolute Magnitudes

This data set contains absolute visual magnitudes of 90 Kuiper belt objects and Centaurs from Romanishin and Tegler (2005). The absolute magnitudes are derived from V magnitudes observed by Romanishin and Tegler and their collaborators. As a convenience, R-band absolute magnitudes derived from the V absolute magnitudes and published V-R colors are also provided.

Release Date: 2020-08-14

Data Set Info
PDS4 version urn:nasa:pds:gbo.kbo-centaur.magnitudes::1.0 Browse Download (20 KB)
PDS3 version EAR-A-VARGBDET-3-KBOMAGS-V1.0 Browse Download (20 KB)

The PDS4 bundle was migrated from the PDS3 data set in August 2020. The data content is unchanged.

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

"Romanishin, W. and Tegler, S.C. (2020). KBO and Centaur Absolute Magnitudes V1.0. urn:nasa:pds:gbo.kbo-centaur.magnitudes::1.0. NASA Planetary Data System; https://doi.org/10.26033/dysm-hd52."

Superseded versions of this data set: