LADEE Lunar Dust Experiment (LDEX)

Status: Archived

LDEX is an instrument on the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft designed to study the lunar dust environment by measuring the physical properties of the particles impacting the instrument target during the mission. This archive includes reduced, calibrated, and derived LDEX data from the full LADEE mission, including the extended mission, covering the period Nov. 21, 2013 through April 18, 2014. Housekeeping data are also included.

LADEE LDEX (urn:nasa:pds:ladee_ldex, version 2.0) Browse Download (551 Mb)

To view PDS4 xml-labelled data products, including LADEE LDEX, use the Small Bodies Node PDS4 Viewer.

Links to documents in the archive bundle:

Available from the PDS Atmospheres Node

LADEE Archive Page:

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

"Szalay, J.James, D. LADEE Lunar Dust Experiment. urn:nasa:pds:ladee_ldex. NASA Planetary Data System, 2024. 10.26033/06sf-na65

Superseded Versions: Show

LADEE LDEX (urn:nasa:pds:ladee_ldex, version 1.2) Browse Download (528 Mb)
LADEE LDEX (urn:nasa:pds:ladee_ldex, version 1.1) Browse Download (528 Mb)
LADEE LDEX (urn:nasa:pds:ladee_ldex, version 1.0) Browse Download (498 Mb)

Modification history:

Version 1.0
Review date: 2014-06-30
Bundle generation date: 2015-04-09
Schema version:
Contents: This version contains the reduced and calibrated data from the LADEE nominal and extended missions (though 2014-04-18).

Version 1.1
Review date: 2015-06-09
Bundle generation date: 2015-07-01
Schema version:
- The derived data collection was reviewed and added to the bundle
- The SIS and other documentation were updated to cover the derived data

Version 1.2
Review date: No external review for this minor update. Bundle was reviewed internally by SBN and EN. Bundle generation date: 2016-11-16
Schema version:
- Updated to conform to schema version
- Corrected an error in the labelling of the repeating fields (items)
- Added schema locations to the xml prolog for each label
- Removed unused namespaces
- Corrected other minor label errors
- Converted SIS document to be compliant with PDF/A

Version 2.0
Review date: No external review for this minor update. Bundle was reviewed internally by SBN and Atmospheres nodes. Bundle generation date: 2024-02-23
Schema version:
- UVersion 2.0 updates the bundle to IM and corrects minor label errors.