Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Objects Survey (LONEOS)

This bundle contains over 200,000 2.88°x1.44° original and augmented FITS images from the Lowell Observatory Near Earth Objects Survey (LONEOS) using the 0.6m f/1.9 LONEOS Schmidt telescope and the Lowell Observatory Imaging Software (LOIS) versions 3.2.0.beta and 4.2.0 between 2003-08-31 and 2008-03-01. The original images are from Hard Disk Drives (HDDs) obtained from the Lowell Observatory.

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Status: Archived
Release date: June 17, 2024

Data Set Info

urn:nasa:pds:gbo.ast.loneos.survey::1.0 Browse the LONEOS Archive

"Tedesco, E.F. and Davis, D.R. 2024. LONEOS Archive Bundle V1.0, urn:nasa:pds:gbo.ast.loneos.survey::1.0, NASA Planetary Data System; doi: 10.26033/ms2j-v867

Essential documents for the LONEOS archive:

Superseded versions of this data set: