TRIAD Asteroid Polarimetry

This data set contains the data originally archived in TRIAD and reported in Morrison & Zellner, Asteroids (T. Gehrels, Ed., The University of Arizona Press, 1979). It tabulates the reduced values of the polarization curves of the asteroids, namely minimum polarization, inversion angle, and polarimetric slope.

Note: This data set is superseded by the Asteroid Polarimetric Database (APD) data set, a compilation of asteroid polarimetry prepared by Dmitri Lupishko.

EAR-A-3-RDR-TRIAD-POLARIMETRY-V2.1 Browse Download (7 kb)

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

"Morrison, D. and B. Zellner, Eds., TRIAD Asteroid Polarimetry. EAR-A-3-RDR-TRIAD-POLARIMETRY-V2.1. NASA Planetary Data System, 1997."

Superseded Versions: Show

EAR-A-3-RDR-TRIAD-POLARIMETRY-V2.0 Browse Download (6 kb)
EAR-A-3-RDR-TRIAD-POLARIMETRY-V1.0 Browse Download (6 kb)