Ceres SPC Shape and Regional Models V1.0

This bundle contains topography and albedo generated for 9 polar craters on asteroid Ceres. Utilizing secondary illumination allows heights to be determined inside Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs). A global model is provided for context.

Release Date: 2024-07-17

Data Set Info
urn:nasa:pds:dwarf_planet-ceres.dawn.shape-models-maps::1.0 Browse Download (147 MB)

Use the following citation to reference this data set:

Weirich, J.R., Gaskell, R.W., Schorghofer, N., Mazarico, E. (2024). Ceres SPC Shape and Regional Models Bundle V1.0. urn:nasa:pds:dwarf_planet-ceres.dawn.shape-models-maps::1.0. NASA Planetary Data System; doi:10.26033/v4kc-7e11.

Superseded Versions: None