Asteroid Image Data
These data sets contain Photographic image data, which can be either from ground based telescopes or from a spacecraft. These data sets will contain numerous images of an object or a group of objects. These data sets are mostly asteroid data sets with some comets and other solar system bodies.
- ALMA Ceres Imaging and Spectrum
- Balloon Observation Platform for Planetary Science (BOPPS) 2014 Observations
- Catalina Sky Survey (CSS)
- Dawn Framing Camera Mars and Cruise raw and calibrated images
- Dawn Framing Camera Vesta raw and calibrated images
- Dawn Framing Camera Ceres raw and calibrated images
- Dawn Framing Camera image calibration files
- Eros MSI Images with Geometry Backplanes
- Fink Images and Spectra of Solar System Objects
- Galileo SSI Gaspra Radiometrically Calibrated Images
- Galileo SSI Ida Radiometrically Calibrated Images
- Galileo NIMS Gaspra Spectral Image Cube
- Hayabusa AMICA
- Hayabusa AMICA with Geometry Backplanes
- Hayabusa2 Thermal Infrared Imager (TIR)
- Hayabusa2 Optical Navigation Cameras (ONC)
- HST Images, Albedo Maps, and Shape of 1 Ceres
- The Ida/Gaspra Collection, including Galileo SSI images of Ida and Gaspra
- Hayabusa2 MASCOT Camera (MASCAM)
- MSX Small Bodies Images
- NEAR MSI images of Mathilde and Eros
- Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT) Survey
- OSIRIS-REx Mt. Bigelow Ground Based Bennu Observations
- P445.3 (Pluto) Occultation
- Spacewatch 0.9m Mosaic Camera Survey
- Stardust NAVCAM Annefrank Images
- Visual Imaging and Photometry of (29981) 1999 TD10