Small Bodies Image Browser
The Small Bodies Image Browser (SBIB) is designed to graphically search through
the large number of images quickly. It takes about 2-5 minutes to download the
database to your browser depending on your internet connection. Once done,
data searches are very fast.
Currently SBIB accesses OSIRIS-REX Bennu, New Horizons Pluto Encounter,
Dawn Ceres and Vesta, NEAR Shoemaker Eros, and Cassini Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, and Phoebe data. Additional missions and objects will be added as
development continues.
SBIB will display a map and options to search for images.
SBIB 3D - Beta Release
A 3D implementation of SBIB designed to provide a graphical search that includes a fully-rendered shape model for visual search. Support for additional targets coming soon.
Key Features
- Search by coordinates
- Show an entire sequence
- Display image data
- Draw image footprint on the map
- Show thumbnail images, either map projected or original
- Download raw or processed images

OSIRIS-REx Mission to Bennu
- OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite (MapCam, Polycam & SamCam)
- Raw and I/F (iof) data from Approach to Departure

New Horizons Encounter with Pluto
- Long Range Reconaissance Imager (LORRI)
- Raw and calibrated images for the Encounter
- Multispectral Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC)
- Raw and calibrated images for the Encounter

Dawn Mission to Ceres
- Framing Camera
- Levels 1A and 1B through XMO7
- Visible and InfraRed Mapping Spectrometer
- Level 1B through XMO7

Dawn Mission to Vesta
- Framing Camera
- Levels 1A and 1B (excluding approach)
- Visible and InfraRed Mapping Spectrometer
- Level 1B (excluding approach & departure)

NEAR Shoemaker Mission to 433 Eros
- Multi-Spectral Imager
- Calibrated Level 2 and 3 data (excluding approach)

Cassini Mission: Saturn Small Satellites
- Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Iapetus, Phoebe available on the Cassini SBIB page