NEO Surveys
These data sets contain Astronomical Survey observations. An astronomical survey is a generalized search over all (or most) of the sky and lacks a specific target. For SBN, its goal is to discover comets and asteroids and improve our knowledge of their orbits. Alternatively, an astronomical survey may comprise a set of many images or spectra of objects that share a common type or feature.
Search NEO Survey archive holdings by target with the Comet Asteroid Telescopic Catalog Hub (CATCH) Tool.
- Near Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT)
- Catalina Sky Survey (CSS)
- Spacewatch 0.9m Mosaic Camera Survey
- Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Objects Survey (LONEOS)
LONEOS data not archived yet:
- Lowell Observatory Near
Earth Objects Survey (LONEOS) -
The LONEOS data have been recovered from disk storage and magnetic tape.
LONEOS V1.0 has been archived (see link above), and includes a large number of the as-is data mentioned below. LONEOS V2.0 is in progress.
The as-is data have been released to the public domain as of September 15, 2020. See the readme.txt file for more details.
Restoration and Archiving has been funded through a NASA YORPD 2021 grant.